
Transparency of potential…


Transparency of potential…

Born anew with each breath we take, growth is, and always has been. It is the clarity that comes when we work in harmony with the eternal rhythms of life.

Growth is powered by the loving wisdom of the universe – a quiet movement forward that encourages us to graciously let go of the old while we courageously embrace the new – even if we may not yet recognize the new.

Growth is seeing that there is nothing to be done or controlled, and understanding that when we let life happen naturally, and with as little resistance as possible, that we are supported, provided for, and continually guided into becoming the next best versions of ourselves.

Growth means rising into the maturity and understanding that nothing warrants our reactions when it is only our responses that keep us healthy and well-balanced. Yielding to the natural intelligence of evolution allows us to rise into our potential, without inhibition. Let yourself rest in the certainty of expansion, and witness the clarity that comes from growing freely….

Growth is seeing that there is nothing to be done or controlled, and when we let life happen naturally, we are supported.

Sharing the Light

From our hearts to yours, these Essence Messages are written by our Practitioners. We hope they support your journey and inspire the remembrance that light and goodness are your inherent qualities of Essence. If you feel these messages have been helpful, please share them with your loved ones.