
Having the faith to DO


Having the faith to DO

So often in life we are faced with circumstances that we don’t think we can overcome. The mountain may look too high, or the stream too deep, and so we too easily give up, often stopping just short of meeting the very best parts of ourselves.

Courage does not mean that we are afraid of nothing; rather it means that we recognize our fears, and keep on moving forward ANYWAY, knowing that to stop means to injure our spiritual selves. When we are not continually growing, we are not breathing with the rhythm of life. Life is meant to be danced with, kneaded and made the best of. Like our ancestors with wisdom enough to use every last bit of resource they were given, life encourages us to stretch ourselves into greatness, by first allowing ourselves to let go of any and all perceived limitation. Nothing that causes us to grow can be limiting.

There will always be parts of ourselves that are difficult to swallow, and parts of ourselves that are nervous about the future. There will be times when we feel expansive, and others when we doubt our abilities to meet the challenges that life brings before us. What is important to remember is that none of this means that we have failed. To be human is to live the human experience fully and completely – not to transcend it. For as long as we have our physical bodies, let us rise to the occasion of meeting life head-on, with joyfulness in our hearts! Let us believe in our abilities to transform ourselves in the blink of an eye into beings who are afraid of nothing because we already know that we are everything.

Courage does not mean that we are afraid of nothing; rather it means that we recognize our fears.

Sharing the Light

From our hearts to yours, these Essence Messages are written by our Practitioners. We hope they support your journey and inspire the remembrance that light and goodness are your inherent qualities of Essence. If you feel these messages have been helpful, please share them with your loved ones.