Freedom from Limitation

A new way of being…

Freedom from Limitation

A new way of being…

So often we find ourselves in circumstances that we judge as not feeling good or right. Our first inclination is to shut down, to get out, and to move away from those feelings that make us feel upset or out of control. What if these experiences are nothing more than our souls urging us to see and recognize fragmented parts of ourselves that are simply in need of love and compassion? What if we have been moving in the wrong direction all of this time?

When we run into a difficult moment, it is not that we have done something wrong, or are being punished in any way. Instead, we are being granted the precious opportunity to keep on growing into who we are becoming by understanding that who we are is not determined by what we experience. When something triggers inside of us, it is because old consciousness that has been long-since buried, is awakened in hopes of being released and healed.

When we stop our feelings from surfacing, we are actually denying the natural process of healing from occurring. If we are able to allow ourselves to feel fully in each moment – whether it be anger, joy, sadness, worry, grief or fear, then those feelings are able to go as quickly as they came. Nothing can build up when it is being fully expressed. Gently overcoming that which lives inside of us allows our journey into humanness to rise into its greatest potential. By transcending dualistic thoughts of right and wrong / good and bad, we move instead into the wholeness of being and freedom from limitation.

When we stop our feelings from surfacing, we are actually denying the natural process of healing from occurring.

Sharing the Light

From our hearts to yours, these Essence Messages are written by our Practitioners. We hope they support your journey and inspire the remembrance that light and goodness are your inherent qualities of Essence. If you feel these messages have been helpful, please share them with your loved ones.