
Petal by Petal…


Petal by Petal…

It is a commonly held perception that if we aren’t where we ultimately want to be right NOW, that we are failing in some way. The reality is that our true natures are being revealed to us step by step, and breath by breath. Each day we rise into the opportunity to become more aware of who we already are.

There is no end to who we are becoming – instead only a richness of energy – vast in nature, waiting to be explored. We are no longer limited by who we have been in the past, nor confined by others’ expectations of us for the future. Instead, we are beings of potentiality, gaining in momentum each and every day. We are waking up to our collective new selves – beings who simply know things, rather than having to use our minds to prove their existence. There is less need to manage information, and more desire to simply let things to be – to collaborate with the IS-ness we now find ourselves immersed in. It is a time of accelerated consciousness – leaving us mostly awestruck as we break down the old, while humbly replacing it with the new…quieted by the profound gratitude that accompanies the raw experience of transformation.

Awakening blossoms in us petal by petal. It is a series of seemingly insignificant moments that grow in power over time into eventual leaps and bounds of awareness and understanding. Without each small step taken along the way – albeit often laced with both struggle and confusion – there is no opportunity to meet our true selves for the first time. Every single step counts….no effort will be forgotten or has been unnecessary, for all brings us into the wisdom and desire of wanting to be REAL – to lead meaningful lives, and to express the unique fingerprints of expression that we hold so dearly in our hearts. Be thankful for the path that has brought you to where you are today, for this is only the beginning this new, beautiful playground of expansion!

Each day we rise into the opportunity to become more aware of who we already are.

Sharing the Light

From our hearts to yours, these Essence Messages are written by our Practitioners. We hope they support your journey and inspire the remembrance that light and goodness are your inherent qualities of Essence. If you feel these messages have been helpful, please share them with your loved ones.