Rising Above

Disengaging from resistance…

Rising Above

Disengaging from resistance…

At times we can find ourselves feeling caught between what we think we want and what we truly need. It is often easier to take the more common path of letting others decide for us – of letting our paths be determined by that which seems to be the norm. This often means complaining about our lives and fighting against the natural flow of events we find ourselves in. It can require great courage to really begin to question what makes us happy, and to allow ourselves the time and space to reflect upon the parts of our lives no longer fit.

What is most important is that we learn to understand that everything we encounter has meaning for us. While it can be difficult to accept this in some moments, it is a critical piece to rising into our natural state of happiness and contentment. Without this final step, we find ourselves continuing to resist what is, and as a result, we find ourselves feeling depleted, weakened and out of control. When we are able to look through the eyes of rhyme and reason, we realize that we are the creators of our realities….that we are the ones who decide if we will continue to suffer or not. In this brilliant moment of acceptance can come the moment we all wait for – the moment where we know and understand, deeply, that we are no longer victim to anything other than ourselves.

Making the choice to disengage from the habit of resisting can at first feel foreign, and sometimes even backwards. This is because we are not used to feeling happy. We are actually more accustomed to looking for lack and avoiding impending disaster. Think for a moment that this were all reversed….that we are actually meant to be looking for our next challenges because we know they are continued opportunities for us to overcome the parts of ourselves that are still hurting and unconscious. Each day provides us with new energy to work with. By accepting whatever we are dealing with graciously, we pave the way for our true desire of peace to surface naturally. It then is no longer about being right or becoming the best, but about embodying the wisdom to know that we no longer have to be controlled by that which makes us unhappy. Instead, we have the right in each moment to let go of all inner confrontation, to rise above any seeming destruction, and to find ourselves knowing that everything in our lives is perfectly placed.

By accepting whatever we are dealing with graciously, we pave the way for our true desire of peace to surface naturally.

Sharing the Light

From our hearts to yours, these Essence Messages are written by our Practitioners. We hope they support your journey and inspire the remembrance that light and goodness are your inherent qualities of Essence. If you feel these messages have been helpful, please share them with your loved ones.