We Are Never Alone

Walking with Source…

We Are Never Alone

Walking with Source…

Source is where we have come from and where we will return to. It is the animation that fuels our bodies and minds, allowing us to laugh and love and cry and heal. Each of us shares an inextricable connection to Source, and in this way, we are all exactly the same. Our senses teach us that we are different from others – that we must stand out to be recognized, and work hard to get ‘ahead’. Source teaches us to shine within ourselves. It knows that each of us has been created with a particular thumbprint to fulfill, and that our world would not be what it is today without each of our valuable contributions.

To walk in Source means to live without competition, and to be grateful for the many blessings we are offered each day. It means to walk together with those we share space with, knowing that we are all ultimately travelling to the same destination. It teaches us not to compromise on matters of the heart, and to help others every chance that we get. For in helping others, we are actually helping ourselves to become who we were always intended to be.

Source streams through our consciousness with each breath we take, waiting patiently to be seen and acted upon. Once acknowledged, this energy is able to flourish inside of us, making ordinary days, extraordinary. Whenever there is doubt, all we have to do is simply close our eyes and turn our attention inward. There we find PRESENCE – the indescribable sense of energy and light that flows through every cell of our being. It keeps us on the lookout for what we have still yet to learn, while encouraging us silently to keep on moving forward no matter what we may encounter…when we walk with Source, we are never alone.

It teaches us not to compromise on matters of the heart.

Sharing the Light

From our hearts to yours, these Essence Messages are written by our Practitioners. We hope they support your journey and inspire the remembrance that light and goodness are your inherent qualities of Essence. If you feel these messages have been helpful, please share them with your loved ones.